Hansen's Northwest Native Plant Database


Northwest Native Plant Journals

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Front Cover


June 2016

Vol 13, Issue 6

Scenic drive up I-5

Passing fancy


“Strawberry tree”

Arbutus menziesii (Pacific Madrone)


Yellow Bush Lupine

Today’s Trojan horse

May 2016

Vol 13, Issue 5


Expanding horizons

Unexplored species


Fleur de lis

Wild Iris of the Pacific Northwest


Philadelphia lewisii

Mock Orange, Syringa, Gordon’s Mockorange, Indian Arrowwood, Wild Mockorange

April 2016

Vol 13, Issue 4


Held hostage by the lawn

An annually recurring issue: Grass lawn vs. Everything else


Native alternatives

Instead of grass


Northwestern Lilies

Native Erythronium

March 2016

Vol 13, Issue 3

Anatomy of a leaf

A primer, conclusion


Rethinking the lawn

An old idea ready for a makeover?


Tough guy

A shrub for all seasons



February 2016

Vol 13, Issue 2


Anatomy of a Leaf, Part 2, A primer, continued

Poetic interlude

Rainy humor, You might be from the northwest if you:

Something different

Not ordinary perennials

Steps to a rescue

Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

Water: Use it wisely

From Clean Water Connection

While in Mexico

Monarch’s southernmost resting place


January 2016

Vol 13, Issue 1

About those monarchs

A butterfly tale


Anatomy of a leaf

A primer


Gardener’s hangouts

Where the gardeners go


NW native milkweeds

Players in a peaceful garden


Vol 12, Issue 4

Books of a botanical nature

On my bookshelf


Oregon autumn

Fall picture book


Vol 12, Issue 3

A good read

Intro to native plants


Perilous Plants

Natives (and others) with a dark side


Perennial discovery

Native Peonies


Summer fun

Gardens, field trips, volunteer



Blooming their little hearts out

April 22, 2015

Vol 12, Issue 2.1


Special Earth Day Issue: It's all about this day!

Apr - Jun 2015

Vol 12, Issue 2

Artemesia: New kids on the block:

Mugworts and more


Blooming bushes: Summer-flowering shrubs


Get certified--Yes you can!:

Demystifying Certified Wildlife Habitats


Sustainable Gardening:

Environmental questions

Jan - March 2015

Vol 12, Issue 1

Maintaining insect control: Winter in the wildlife garden

A winter-lovely shrub: Bird Cherry

On the wing: Recent visitors at Nona and Don’s

Conifer blooms: Cones of fir and pine

Calendar 2015: A gift for you

Oh those conifers!: Wild winter beauty

  • In Years Gone By (Reverse Chronicle)



    Walter Siegmund: A man of vision

    Sedums: Darlings of drought in the garden

    Autumn Leaves: Lights! Camera! Action

    Poison Oak: Deadly beauty

    Facebook: We're there--The Wild Garden--ready for visitors

    Oct. - Dec 2014

    Vol 11, Issue 5

    Bug spray: Make your own homemade insecticidal soap

    Water: Thousands have lived ... not one without water--W.H. Auden

    Water-wise garden: Start with a plan

    Fine old tree: From grandmother’s garden

    July 2014

    Vol 11, Issue 4

    Extinction: New film, teens searching for extinct Labrador Duck.

    Dogwoods: Native trees, shrubs, perennials to fit any yard.

    Water: Nature's nectar--gotta have it.

    Rob Sandelin: Viewing the wilderness with another's eyes.

    May 2014

    Vol 11, Issue 3

    Vines: Vertical gardening with native climbers

    Serviceberry: Northwest native at your service 

    Weed alert: Early spring weeds are here

    March 2014

    Vol 11, Issue 2

    Evergreens: Native plant winter all-stars

    Rhododendrons: Landscape perfection with Pacific northwest natives

    Tanoak: Botanical news of this plant family

    January 2014

    Vol 11, Issue 1

    Perennials: Native plant cutting garden, new twist on an old favorite

    Books in my library: A well-dressed book 

    Book wish list: Hoping Santa brings these

    Winter 2013

    Vol 10, Issue 5

    Autumn leaves: Acer circinatum (Vine Maple)

    Checkerblooms: Northwest native Hollyhocks

    Birds vs. windows: Maintaining peace in the wildlife garden

    Autumn 2013

    Vol 10, Issue 4


    Weeds: High summer in the native garden

    Gardeners speak up: Questions, suggestions, pats and pans

    Wally's nursery: Is the nursery still open? (No)

    Summer 2013

    Vol 10, Issue 3

    Wildlife: A cooperative approach with birds, bugs and bushes

    Wildlife: Hummers: elusive jewels: Tripping the light fantastic

    Theme gardens: Faery garden and Rain garden

    Wildlife: Too many birds, too few or just NIMBY

    Late Spring 2013

    Vol 10, Issue 2


    Theme gardens: Now there’s an idea!

    Theme gardens: Zen garden, A place of peace and serenity

    Theme gardens: Butterfly--good for larva, food for imago

    January/February 2013

    Vol 10, Issue 1


    Admirable naturescapesAutumn leaves are awe-striking

    Nuts: Native fruit for winter

    MaplesAppreciating the Acer family

    Red list: Understanding this different concept

    November 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 11

    Bulbs: Native vs. exotic, a short comparison

    Autumn colorLooking for fall colors in 2012

    Bulbs: Plant these natives now for spring blooms

    MaplesFall’s best color captured by camera

    Bugs: Western yellowjacket, late summer hazard

    October 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 10

    Theme gardens: Fragrance--northwest native plants with extraordinary aromas

    Homemade useful stuff: Make-it-yourself cleaning solutions, perfumes and more

    August 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 8

    Wildlife: Wood Duck boxes

    Lilies:  Summer blooms are not just a tropical treat!

    July 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 7

    Alien invaders: Hitchhikers and bad ideas

    Strawberries: Fraise des bois, the wild ones

    June 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 6

    Rhododendrons: Old-Fashioned native favorites

    Native plants: Where to buy them

    Garden design: Meet the pros--does your yard need a redo (or even a ‘do’)?

    Native plants: Updated list, discover!

    May 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 5

    Native plants: Sales are good news for frugal gardeners

    WWID: What would Indians do?

    Garden plans: Ideas for native plant gardens

    April 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 4

    U.S. Copyright Laws: The do's and do not's

    Dulcy Mahar: Remembering a garden muse, favorite northwest freelance writer

    Free stuff in your emailbox: Newsletters, events and gardening columns

    Trilliums: Annual notes on our native Easter lily

    March 2012

    Amended Edition

    Vol 9, Issue 3A

    Western Hazelnut: Corylus cornuta var. californica

    Perennials: Double duty beauty, not just pretty faces

    Ferns: Northwest native woodland stars

    February 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 2

    Winter: Native landscape beauty and interest, naturally!

    The wild garden: Meet a new friend

    January 2012

    Vol 9, Issue 1

    Checkermallows: The beautiful bloom of Sidalcea nelsoniana (Nelson’s Checkermallow)

    Rosehips and great reads: Perfect pairings

    December 2010

    Vol 8, Issue 7

    Native shrubs for fall color: Pick your native shrubs for autumn beauty

    Extinction: And then there were none--when a species is gone for good.

    Extinction: Levels explained in this glossary

    November 2010

    Vol 8, Issue 6

    Summer: New pictures of native plants

    Wildlife: Author Peter Haggard’s picks the best natives for a wildlife garden

    September-October 2010

    Vol 8, Issue 5

    Ceanothus: Hardworking northwest native shrubs

    Bugs: Ants in the garden--evil, angelic or somewhere in between

    July-August 2010

    Vol 8, Issue 4

    Journal feedback: Read what fellow gardeners have had to say about this journal

    Maples: Genus Acers of the northwest

    Identification: Are you sure? The importance of correct identification

    May-June 2010

    Vol 8, Issue 3

    Trilliums: Time for nNative Easter lilies--woodland garden treasures

    Wally’s Trilliums: Short article and a poem written by our garden’s master, Wally Hansen

    Favorite research tools

    March-April 2010

    Vol 8, Issue 2

    Friends on the web: Websites sharing our love of native plants

    Living streamside: Using plants native to the Pacific northwest near creeks and streams. Free tree programs!

    January-February 2010

    Vol 8, Issue 1

    Recommended reading: Armchair gardening at its best. A review of books featuring northwest native plants

    Arbutus menziesii: Pacific Madrone--Fascinating northwest native tree. Photos by JoAnn Onstott

    December 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 12

    Thanksgiving: A Poem by Edgar Guest


    --Air layering--high tech trick

    --The art of division

    --Kinds of plants to propagate

    --Propagating by cuttings

    Timing and technique:- when to cut and how

    Paying it forward: Ways to share

    November 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 11

    Leaves of autumn: Fresh photos!

    Special surprise: New screensaver to put this colorful season on your computer

    October 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 10 

    Gardening for wildlife: Free newsletter full of ideas, how to get your backyard certified as an official wildlife habitat

    Ann Lennartz: Her legacy continues, courtesy of Washington Native Plant Society

    Bay City rain garden: Not just for experts, Tillamook County leads the way with example to follow.

    September 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 9

    Reprise of Wally's newsletter, July - August 2004

    Beautiful northwest evergreen: Modoc Cypress.

    About that deer problem: Follow-up on earlier article

    Old becomes new: NW most famous shrubs

    It’s lily-time!: Seductive NW native perennials

    Organically grown: Native plant food sources

    Personal notes from Wally

    Easy plant propagation

    A summer destination: Visit Seattle’s Burke Museum by Jennifer.

    August 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 8


    Good bugs: Friendly garden helpers

    This is a good bug? Yes!: Learn which bugs can help your garden

    Summertime blues: New photos of northwest native plants with blue flowers

    Swarming bees: Why do bees swarm? The answer to this and other questions about bees

    July 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 7

    Behind the camera: A look at our staff photographer

    All in a days work: Photo album

    Monthly highlights: Things to enjoy in June

    Native plant info: It’s at your fingertips

    June 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 6

    Weeds begone: Let native plants do the work

    Growing wild strawberries: Groundcover plus food!

    Fragaria feast: Strawberry recipes

    Honey bees: Natives they like, or not

    May 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 5

    An Homage to huckleberries:


    Pursuing the wild ollalie

    Huckleberry hounds

    Growing your own: the site

    Growing your own: red hucks

    Growing your own: misc tips


    Old tyme vacations: Step into the olden days

    April 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 4

    Winter beauty: Native plants in snow

    Small steps, great outcomes: Paying it forward, native style

    Summer fun: Plan now!

    Local stars: Businesses promoting native plants, good earth tending

    Feb/March 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 2/3

    Lullaby in birdland: Backyard wildlife habitats

    Bird garden staples: First you plant an oak

    The bird lady: Kathleen Robson

    January 2009

    Vol 7, Issue 1

    Bird gardening: It is all about the birds




    Black-Bellied Plover

    Western Wood Pewee

    Pine Grosbeak

    Western Bluebird

    Oregon Junco

    Spotted Towhee

    Yellow-Rumped Warbler

    California Quail

    December 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 12

    Thanksgiving: Thoughts for life

    Tastes of the wild: Smashing gift ideas

    Natural author: Writer and naturalist, Rob Sandelin

    November 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 11

    Outdoor housekeeping: The fall garden

    Magical dirt: Beginners guide to composting

    Walking tours: Enjoy autumn up close and personal

    Tree of many colors: Vine Maple photo album, photos by JoAnn Onstott

    October 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 10

    NW native grasses: Late summer garden stars

    Family fun:

    Unusual events in our area

    Kids day for conservation

    Pond school 2008

    O-Tsukimi Moonviewing

    Tea ceremony demo

    Fence-building workshop

    Godzilla in the garden

    Mushroom and plant ID

    September 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 9

    Smelling up the place: Potpourris from native plants

    Consummate camera work: New photos from staff photographer, JoAnn Onstott

    Land restoration: Bolsa Chica wetland project

    This & That: Musings from the editor

    August 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 8

    Teaching our children: Gardens and the 3 R’s

    Visit a recycling center: How to find one, what you’ll see

    Bright whites: Native light for your garden

    Got the blues?: Blue flowered natives

    Red hot blooms: 3rd color in our patriotic tribute

    July 2008

    Vol 5, Issue 7

    Cool summer craft: Notecards with pressed flowers

    Swamp things: Native water plants

    Monthly highlights: Look forward to these!

    June 2008

    Vol 5, Issue 6

    Penawen: Moon of the Camas harvest

    Preserving flowers: Drying and waxing

    Where lilies abound: Nature’s masterpiece flowers

    May 2008

    Vol 5, Issue 5

    Nifty northwest natives: By Lane Greer

    Alternative planting: Kick the invasive plant habit

    The other 3 R’s: It’s not "readin’, writin’ & ‘rithmetic"

    Good landkeeping: Land protection and restoration

    April 2008

    Vol 5, Issue 4

    Picking plants: Select the right native for your spot

    Chickadee realty: Story by Sharon Stiteler, Chickadee Favorites

    Peaceful partners: Diversity in the garden

    Slugs!: Gardening enemy #1

    March 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 3

    Rescuing wild animals: What to do (and what not to do) if you find one, how to get help

    Make your own paper: Put in some native plant parts! We show you how, it’s easy

    Pacific Madrone: Surprising facts and fun fiction about this NW native beauty

    February 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 2

    A different way to recycle: Using found treasures!

    Native garden in winter: More than just leaves and flowers

    January 2008

    Vol 6, Issue 1

    Winter white: Moon garden ideas

    Reflections on the native plants of the northwest: First publishing of a book by Wally Hansen

    Red-Osier Dogwood: Forgotten native shrub worthy of a second look

    From all of us: A greeting and a wish

    December 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 12

    Thanksgiving thoughts: Things to consider

    Wildcrafting: Winter fun for gardeners

    How the garden master got his garden: Part 1

    November 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 11

    Garden recycling tips: The 3 R’s in the garden

    Wildlife: In or Out?

    Tips to attract or repel:





    General tips

    Attracting birds

    October 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 10

    The leaves are coming!: A happy compromise

    Imposters and imposers: Non-native escapees

    Native choices: Why pick natives?

    Bring on the hummers: Natives to attract them

    Wicked and evil plants: ‘Leaves of three, let them be’

    Invasive plant info: Education is key

    September 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 9

    Staying green: Simple summer tips

    Escaped ornamentals: Down side of non-natives

    A summer layabout: Picking the right tree from which to hang your hammock

    State flowers: 50 favorites

    This & That: Musings from the editor

    August 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 8

    Patriotic plants: Red, white and blue native blooms

    Compost, anyone?: Easy and free and it works

    Flag colored birds and butterflies: Plants aren’t the only patriots

    Oregon butterfly in double trouble: The plight of Fender’s Blue

    July 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 7

    Squirrel quiz: Test your knowledge!

    Fauna with flora: Bugs and blossoms

    To lawn or not: Grass or groundcovers?

    Where to find the wild things: Native plant gardens and more ideas for summer fun

    June 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 6

    The right tools: Power in the garden

    A gardening standoff: Honey, I’m not going to cut the lawn this year

    Native threads: The fabric of the modern garden by Julie Miles

    All grown up: Mature native trees, shrubs and perennials

    This & That: Musings from the editor

    May 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 5

    Garden product review: Green and not so green

    Rubber mulch: Earth friend or foe?

    Toads in your garden: Seen any lately?

    How green are you?: Time for a reality check

    Recycling questionnaire: Print and share

    Special Earth Day section

    What is Earth Day

    Two Celebrations/One Goal

    • Equioctial Earth Day

    • April 22 Earth Day

    What you can do

    • At home

    • In your community

    • At school

    • At work

    • While shopping

    Earth Day Take-Home Kit

    Events in your area

    EPA Progress Report

    April 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 4

    Gardening organically: Living Green, Part 3

    Oregon’s Easter lily: Photographs of Trilliums

    A garden gone wild: An accidental happy ending

    More than just a plant: Another look at Trilliums

    March 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 3

    Green gardening tips: Second in our Green Living series

    Toads?: A $5 annual gift for your garden

    Theme gardens: A new look at garden styles

    February 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 2

    Go wild!: By Lorraine Johnson

    How green are you?: Take a quiz and find out!

    Gifts to grow: Make your own gift nursery

    January 2007

    Vol 5, Issue 1

    NW native reds: Native plants with red features

    Backyard wildlife habitats: What you need to know

    The Elderberry party: An annual event

    Just for the birds: Safe bird feeding practices

    December 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 10

    Thanksgiving: Things we are thankful for

    Natural beauty: Bouquets for Autumn

    A gardener’s library: Books about NW Natives

    Flanders Poppy: Remembering Veterans

    A garden journal for you: Presenting a gift from Wally

    November 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 9

    Falling leaves: Quick and easy craft idea

    The leaves of autumn: Photos by JoAnn Onstott

    Roses are forever: After the flowers, bright hips

    The garden journal: Another way to enjoy gardening

    October 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 8

    Flowers and fruit: Native shrubs for all seasons

    The art of gathering: Find free plants and more

    Grow your own furniture: Willow crafting

    They’re alive!: Living willow structures

    Salix: native willows: The right plants for the job

    September 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 7

    The missing link: Water gardening with natives

    The plants: Native plants for ponds or bogs

    The rare ones: Don Eastman photographic essay of rare and endangered native water plants

    Cobra Lily: Oregon Park celebrates a native darling

    August 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 6

    Patriotic plants: Red, White & Blue Natives

    Shirley Poppy: Traditional Veteran’s flower

    Rockets and firecrackers: Plants with explosive names

    July 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 5

    Summer vacation guide: There’s always something to do! Summer fun in the Northwest--even in your own neighborhood

    June 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 4

    NW native Rock Cress: Photos by Don Eastman

    What is Cress?: Mustard family members

    Camas: Poetry in the wild

    The edibility factor: Safe to eat or not

    May 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 3

    Shaping nature: Native plants never dreamed they’d look like this!

    Wondrous works: Photos by Don Eastman

    Living fences: No paint needed!

    April 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 2

    Dare to bare!: All about bare root plants

    Artistic transition to spring: Watercolors by Heidi D. Hansen

    Money trees: The true value of landscape trees

    March 2006

    Vol 4, Issue 1

    Living holiday trees: A gift for the earth--green decor

    Caring for your tree: Choosing, using and planting

    Red berries--garden spark: Native plants with red fruit

    Local homes with native plants: Models for a makeover!

    December 2005 - January 2006

    Vol 3, Issue 7

    Colorful natives: Our best picks for fall

    Lewis & Clark: Celebrate their journey

    City garden, almost done: Final plan, planting now

    October-November 2005

    Vol 3, Issue 6

    Grow your own plants: And eat them too!

    A visit to the Oregon Garden: NW Native plants on display

    Transformation of a garden: A new plan, the best one yet?

    August-September 2005

    Vol 3, Issue 5

    Summer vacation ideas: What to do this summer? Find an adventure every day!

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    June-July 2005

    Vol 3, Issue 4

    Landscaping with native plants: Tips from Wally

    Native plant rock garden: Fun gardening for everyone

    Paintbrush: Figwort family: Photos by Donald C. Eastman

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    April-May 2005

    Vol 3, Issue 3

    Special message to teachers: Field trip ideas

    To do now--pruning!: New ideas for old plants

    NW native Dogwoods: By Marci Degman

    Winter inspiration: Photos by JoAnn Onstott

    Propagation with live stakes: How to article

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    February 2005

    Vol 3, Issue 2

    Mariposa Lilies: More of Don Eastman’s Calochortus Photos

    Plant for wildlife: Create a wildlife habitat in your own yard

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    January 2005

    Vol 3, Issue 1

    Mariposa Lilies: Beautiful photos by author/photographer Don Eastman

    Green holidays: Tips for earth-friendly gifts and holiday decorations

    Fairy Slippers: Update on Wally’s adventures with this elusive NW Native perennial

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    December 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 10

    Ericaceae review: Article and Photos by Prof. Wilbur Bluhm

    Fall color: Where to see Autumn’s NW Native Foliage Rainbow

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    October 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 9

    NW native onions: Photos by Don Eastman

    Who says it’s invasive?: Story by Jennifer Rehm

    What to plant now: And how to do it. Wally’s advice

    Transformation of a garden: Action on our makeover project

    September 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 8

    Walk on the wild side: Places in Oregon and Washington to see NW Native Plants

    • Highways, Parks & Trails

    • Celebrations

    • Gardens

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    July 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 7

    Lewisia: Part 2: Article by Wally Hansen, Native Lily Photos by Don Eastman

    Penstemons: Nature’s gift to gardeners by Wilbur Bluhm

    Transformation of a garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    June 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 6

    Lewisia: historic plants of the NW: Story by Wally Hansen, Native Lily Photos by Don Eastman

    How the Dogwood got its name: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    Lacy white flowers: Good, Bad or Deadly?

    May 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 5

    The role of Sitka Spruce, Part 2--detailed look at northwest native tree: Article by Heidi Hansen

    Trillium paintings: Romantic and Botanical Paintings of NW Native Trilliums

    Trillium photographs: Native Lily Photos by Don Eastman

    April 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 4

    Fritillaria, Part 2: Unusual native lily Photos by Don Eastman

    The role of Sitka Spruce: detailed look at northwest native tree. Article by Heidi Hansen

    Natural beauty, Part 2: in the winter garden. Article by Jennifer Rehm

    March 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 3

    Fritillaria, Part 1: unusual native lily. Photos by Don Eastman

    Edible berries: delicious treats in the garden. Article by Marci Degman

    Natural beauty in the winter garden: Article by Jennifer Rehm

    February 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 2

    Hall’s Isopyrum: Unusual Northwest Native Wildflower from photographer Don Eastman

    David Douglas: seeds of destiny: Plant hunter following in Lewis and Clark’s footsteps

    Propagating from live stakes: A different way to start native plants

    Propagating from hardwood cuttings:  How-to for increasing your plant population

    Bare root plants: Care and planting instructions

    January 2004

    Vol 2, Issue 1

    Special holiday issue

    Wildflower photo gallery: Photographs of rare and beautiful Northwest Native flowers by author and photographer Donald C. Eastman

    The making of a photographer: Short Interview by Jennifer Rehm

    Personal notes from Wally: Native Plantsman shares his thoughts as the new year draws near

    Holiday greetings: From the Nursery Staff

    December 2003

    Vol 1, Issue 3

    Beautiful native lilies of the northwest: Wally Hansen with Don Eastman

    Iris, a flower and a lovely lady: Article by Nellie Stark, PhD

    Landscaping with native plants: Using Natives in your Yard

    Fall color: Best Northwest Native Plants

    Introduction to Donald C. Eastman: Author and photographer

    How to get free plants: Deciduous Native Cuttings

    November 2003

    Vol 1, Issue 2

    Wild and wonderful Oregon Huckleberries: Article  by Nellie Stark, PhD

    Get ready: Propagating native plants by winter cuttings

    What’s your zone?: New USDA Hardiness Zones

    Landscaping and restoration: With bare root plants in the winter

    October 2003

    Vol 1, Issue 1

  • Contact:  nwplants@gmail.com ~ Copyright 2016 © The Wild Garden: Hansen’s Northwest Native Plant Database  ~ All rights reserved