Hansen's Northwest Native Plant Database


Useful Native Plant Resources on the Internet
A good collection of web data bases and other gardening topics that will be useful to professional growers and all native plant gardeners. This list began from a flyer Lawyer Nursery published in 2002 and grew from there.
Title   Description   Web address
Adopt-a-Stream Foundation   Call 206-388-3487 for publications, training and technical assistance for stream and watershed restoration   www.streamkeeper.org/aasf/Welcome.html
American Bonsai Society   The bonsai organization for North America, including Mexico, the United States, and Canada.   www.absbonsai.org
Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Program, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife   Information about planting natives in your yard to attract wildlife. Chris Anderson at 425.775.1311, ext 11   http://wdfw.wa.gov/living/backyard/
Birdchick   Sharon Stiteler shares the joys of birding as well as insights on rabbits. Photos of birds, bees, butterflies and other friendlies.   www.birdchick.com
Burke Museum Herbarium   Fantastic site with 1000's of plants and images specific to the northwest. Excellent help for plant identification. Washington Native Plant Society - A non profit organization for native plants.   http://biology.burkemuseum.org/herbarium/imagecollection.php
CalPhotos   Over 33,000 plant images from the University of California, Berkley   http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/browse_imgs/
Clean Water Services   Monthly newsletter. Sign up on their home page. Also available here is information about invasive plants   www.cleanwaterservices.org
Coastal Invasive Plant Committee   Subscribe to E-News via link at the bottom of the home page under Take Action   www.coastalinvasiveplants.com
Columbia Land Trust & Portland Audubon Society   Use the form to receive updates by email at the left side of their pages, near the bottom.   www.columbialandtrust.org
Conservation Alliance Legacy Fund, Outdoor Business Giving Back to the Outdoors   Since 1989, The Conservation Alliance has served as the outdoor industry's collective commitment to protecting wild places. With The Conservation Alliance Legacy Fund, we are taking an important step to ensure that we are a permanent fixture in the outdoor industry.   http://www.conservationalliance.com/
Cornell University online grafting course   From the Dept. of Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture College of Agriculture & Life Sciences at Cornell U. Kenneth W. Mudge, Assoc. Professor of Horticulture   www.news.cornell.edu/releases/Dec02/GraftingCourse.bpf.html
E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia   Beautiful site, volunteer-driven. “A comprehensive picture of the plant and fungal biodiversity of British Columbia.   www.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/eflora
Earth 911   Weekly newsletter features news, events and ways you can be kinder to our planet.   http://www.earth911.com/category/home-garden/
Earth Day Network   Learn what the EDN is doing right now, educate yourself and your family. To stay in tune, enter your email address in the box provided at the top right on their pages.   www.earthday.org
East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District   Register at the website address below to get emails: Annual native plant sale reminder, naturescaping and rain garden workshops and tours, small landowner workshops and tours, weed watchers/invasive weed identification and control trainings   https://emswcd.org/native-plants/
A field guide to wild berries/fruits of Sharingwood   There are 23 species of native plants, mostly shrubs, which produce a berry or berry-like fruit. Many are edible and choice, some are not edible which means they taste bad, are mostly seed, or for some reason people don't eat them. We have two berries, the bane berry, and the red nightshade which are poisonous. The many berry producing plants we have encourages the many berry eating birds which summer here." This page has photos to illustrate the berries we have in the Pacific Northwest.   www.nonprofitpages.com/nica/Sharingwood/Berries/Berries.htm
Fire effects on plant species   USDA, Forest Service site summarizes and synthesizes research about living organisms in the United States—their biology, ecology, and relationship to fire.   http://www.feis-crs.org/beta/
Flora of North America Web Site   Taxonomic relationships, distributions, morphological characteristics of all plants native and naturalized found in North America.   www.floranorthamerica.org/
Forest Types of the United States   Maps of the most common forest types.   www.forestry.about.com/library/tree/bltypdex.htm
Iowa Prairie Network   Prairie resources   www.iowaprairienetwork.org
Julie’s Backyard Journal   Blog by insightful gardene   www.backyardjournal.wordpress.com/
Marion Soil & Water Conservation District   Subscribe to the quarterly newsletter, Conservation Insider   www.marionswcd.net/index.html
Modern Backyard   Landscape architecture provides exceptional, affordable landscape design online.   www.modernbackyard.com
National Wildlife Federation   How to create a wildlife friendly garden.   www.nwf.org/gardenforwildlife/create.cfm
Native American Ethnobotany   University of Michigan – Dearborn   www.herb.umd.umich.edu/
Native Plant Information Network   Houses a native plant database and searchable image directory maintained by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Plant   www.wildflower.org
Native Plant Journal   Cooperative effort of USDA Forest Service, University of Idaho, USDA Agricultural Research Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service, now published by University of Wisconsin Press providing technical and practical information on growing and planting North American native plants for restoration, conservation, reforestation, landscaping, roadsides.   http://npj.uwpress.org/
Native Plant Salvage Program, King County Water and Land Resources Division   Salvage native plants from sites slated for construction. Contact Greg Rabourn at 206-296-1923 to volunteer.   www.kingcounty.gov/environment/stewardship/volunteer/plant-salvage-program.aspx
Native Plant Society of Oregon   Nonprofit organization Dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation, and study of Oregon's native plants and habitats   www.npsoregon.org
North Coast Gardening   Subscribe to the newsletter right at the top of the pages   www.northcoastgardening.com
Northwest Plants Database System   From Washington State University and WSU Clark County Extension PNW Plants, this database has 481 catergorized plants and 1458 images.   www.pnwplants.wsu.edu
Noxious Weed Control   Search function, can be shown in text only   www.oregon.gov/ODA/PLANT/WEEDS/statelist2.shtml
Oregon Flora Project   The mission of the Oregon Flora Project is to serve as a comprehensive resource for the vascular plants of Oregon that grow without cultivation, and to foster effective use of this knowledge by all citizens. The information we present spans the topics shown below.   www.oregonflora.org
Oregon Invasive Species Council   Invasive list, how to report invasives   www.oregon.gov/OISC/
Pacific Northwest Native Wildlife Gardening   Includes a listserv for gardening for wildlife (with native plants).   www.tardigrade.org
Plant Native   Includes a nice step by step plan for naturescaping.   www.plantnative.com
Plants for a Future   Edible and medicinal plant database   www.pfaf.org/user/default.aspx
Portland Audubon Society   Download the monthly newsletter, The Warbler, in PDF format. Sign up to receive BirdWord in email   www.audubonportland.org
Portland Bureau of Environmental Services   Information about caring for our earth. Download their Native Plant Poster, plant list and brochure on removing invasive plants.   www.portlandonline.com/bes/index.cfm?c=29323
Rainy Side Gardeners   Maritime Pacific Northwest Gardening has a nice native plant section with photos.   www.rainyside.com
River Corridor and Wetland Restoration   Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) site   www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/restore/
Soil Science Society of America   Website for soil science professionals. Offers information and links.   https://www.soils.org/
Starflower Foundation Founded in 1996 by Ann Lennart to assist with creation, rehabilitation, and stewardship of Pacific Northwest native plant communities http://www.wnps.org/education/resources/index.html
The Native Garden at Point Defiance Park   A native public garden divided into areas representing seven Pacific Northwest vegatation zones. Visit the beautiful native plants that make our Northwest beautiful.   www.tacomagardenclub.org/plantgarden.html
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service   Search "native plants   www.fws.gov
U.S. National Arboretum   Search "native plants   www.nwf.org/gardenforwildlife/create.cfm
UCDavis Plant Sciences Rooting Database   Extensive information on rooting methods of woody plants, organized by botanical name.   http://rooting.ucdavis.edu/pchome.htm
USDA Forest Service   offers a variety of links and native plant information   http://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/
USDA PLANTS Database   Searchable for common or botanical name, shows origin, range and status   www.plants.usda.gov/
Washington Native Plant Society   Appreciate, conserve and study our native plants and habitats   www.wnps.org
Washington Natural Heritage Program   Lists rare and endangered native plants.   http://www.dnr.wa.gov/natural-heritage-program
Washington State University Native Plants   Identifying, Propagating, and Landscaping. Nice photos!   http://gardening.wsu.edu/
Wildflower Trails of the San Francisco Bay Area   Excellent photography and trail guides.   www.westernwildflower.com/
WSU - Puyallup site   Full of horticulture myths. Very informative!   www.puyallup.wsu.edu/~Linda%20Chalker-Scott/


Contact:  nwplants@gmail.com ~ Copyright 2012 © The Wild Garden: Hansen’s Northwest Native Plant Database  ~ All rights reserved