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Hansen's Northwest Native Plant Database


An online plethora of facts, photos and folk wisdom

 about Northwest native plants


Native Plants

Plant Lists



Field Guide

Garden Chore Calendar

Gardening With Natives


Wildlife Habitats


About Wally


Edible/Medicinal Uses for Natives

Green Living

Lacy White Flowers--Good, Bad or Deadly!

Newsletters from Wally

NW Native Plant Journal


Plant Information

Nurseries with Natives

Native Plant Landscapers

News from The Wild Garden

Our Mission:

To generate interest, even passion, in the magnificent native plants

of the Pacific Northwest through information and illustration.


Jennifer Rehm

Author, webmaster, native plant lover


Keeping alive the vision of Wallace W. Hansen – a dedicated grower, aficionado and passionate lover of Northwest Native Plants.

Hello, gardening friends and native plant lovers:

I am knee deep in an exciting new project: I'm converting this website into a book

--a very large book--

that will be available in print or ebook.

This is a massive undertaking; it will consume months. I will spend my 75th year taking Wally's knowledge into a new dimension. I hope to find completion before I turn 76 next February.

Until the book is done, this website will be here for you. I will post information as it arises.

Although I'm no longer creating our emag, the Northwest Native Plant Journal, all the previous issues are still here. Read online, download, print a copy for your bookshelf or to share with your neighbor. Click here to go.

Good luck, good gardening!


For everything, there is a season . . .


Native Plant Picture Library

Did you know there are over 26,000 photos of northwest native plants in our graphics library that you may use at no charge?

How do we do that? Simple, Thanks to a non-profit organization, Creative Commons, there are now licenses that a human can read and understand allowing anyone with photos of a number of topics that may be used by anyone for any purpose for free as long you give credit to the photographer. Also, if you "remix, transform or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original." Below is one of the licenses, this is the one we use. All the details can be seen at

Our website,, and the online magazine are both created by me. Photos you see on these two publications are either from our in-house photo library or are used with permission of the owner. I do not identify photographers from our library, but do give credit to the owners of outside pictures.

So--if you see a picture you'd like to use, take a copy. On the species pages, I've shown thumbnails for our library photos so you can download higher resolutions.

I like to enter whatever description is needed and then add the creditation. When you use any of our pictures, add: "Photo credit: The Wild Garden,"

The Wild Garden is on Facebook

Follow The Wild Garden on Facebook for latest news of the project: "Website-2-Book!"

Share comments, ask questions, stay in touch.

Good stuff to know (Our most often- asked questions)

No, we are not a nursery Originally our website was all about a native plant nursery, Wallace W Hansen Northwest Native Plants. But in 2011, all that changed when the nursery closed its doors for good. We felt it was imperative to preserve the vast amount of native plant information, so the website morphed from a commercial entity into what you see today: an ever-expanding non-profit repository of information about plants native to the Pacific Northwest. We don’t have plants, we don’t sell anything, we do share everything we know about native plants.

If you have questions about native plants, if there’s a plant you want help identifying, if you have thoughts or photos you’d like to share, here’s how to contact us:




Helpful websites:

Nurseries that have native plants

Garden designers that use natives

Websites for plant info


(How I met the garden's master)

Once upon an autumn weekend (I think it was around 1995), a fellow gardener and I planned to visit a nursery close to Salem, Oregon. I'd found a small ad in the local newspaper's classifieds offering native plants for sale. The idea of including natives in our gardens was novel and intriguing. I was sparsely acquainted with this genre,

  . . . read more


Contact: ~ Copyright 2018 © The Wild Garden: Hansen’s Northwest Native Plant Database  ~ All rights reserved